Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Blogging Through A Funk

Blogging Through A Funk

Alright, I'm gonna just come out and say it - I'm in a funk. I feel completely uninspired as of late. Last month in a whirlwind of ideas I had the entire month planned - but this month I have nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

So when posting day rolled around for me I was worried - albeit terrified that I wouldn't get anything up. I asked my friends what I should write about and while their ideas were good it just didn't feel original, and it definitely didn't feel like me. So I did what any other blogger would do - binge watch an entire season of a TV show in 2 days. What?! Don't judge. After that I opened up a blog post and just started writing. I don't have any ideas - but I literally am just writing what I'm feeling. I'm not writing this one for comments, or usefulness, or so that people will actually visit. 

I realize I'm writing this post for me. These moments make me realize that I'm human - and that I am allowed to make mistakes. I'm not perfect - but being a perfectionist is part of who I am. I do not only expect to be able to do everything - I expect to be good at it.

I know this is an impossible task and literally sets myself up for disaster. I know this. And yet I still can't help myself. This is an aspect of my personality that I will probably work on for the rest of my life. But until then - I'm going to enjoy putting myself out there and doing the absolute best that I can. I'm going to enjoy my life and the experiences in it - and I will attempt to not beat myself up if it doesn't go perfectly.

And that, will probably be the hardest part.

Stalk me?


  1. I'm in a funk too! I have a list of ideas but they just don't seem good enough at this point in time. I hate this but I'm hoping it passes quickly.
    Aria Girl in a Whimsical Land

    1. I hope it passes quickly for you too! I got a few ideas floating around in my head for tomorrow - hopefully one of them passes the 'funk' test and gets me out of it!

      xo Jenn

  2. I am in a funk too! It's been so hard to get back into blogging since I moved. I had so many ideas last month and now I'm like "hmmmmm...." I'm hoping once I get all unpacked and stuff the juices will start flowing! Hope you get inspired soon. :)

    1. Blog /about/ your move. People love being nosey and seeing how other people live. (well at least I do!) When I moved I just blogged about it and it went over well. It was good to blog about it because I had absolutely nothing else to talk about except how I had to hoist my couch over the balcony that day. Haha!

      Good luck on your move && feel inspired soon!
      xo Jenn

  3. I was in a blogging funk yesterday. I really wanted to blog but didn't know what to write about. I was actually going to write about it, but I decided to just skip the day entirely. I remember the first time I "skipped" a post day I was so nervous and scared... now it's like, whatever. haha

    I used to be able to think of ideas so easily about what to blog about, but not so much anymore. Not really sure what happened!! Andddd nothing wrong with binge watching a show in 2 days. I think that's awesome, hehe. What show did you watch?


    1. I felt so bad the first day I skipped a post - but now it doesn't bother me as much. But it still bothers me because I like to be on that schedule.

      I totally marathoned all episodes of Steven Universe. It was amazing.

      xo Jenn

  4. I'm a big perfectionist, well I always want to do the best I can and I get disappointed in myself very easily, but I always try and remember that blogging is just a hobby for me and I do it because I love it. If Im not loving it or not feeling I take a step back, I've had just over a week off because I was busy and just wanted to time off.

    Don't feel disheartened if you can't always get a post up, and if you don't feel like you have anything to write about take a break. I always find reading other peoples blogs and getting back into the community a bit helps me feel more inspired.

    Good luck getting your mojo back, but don't worry if you need a bit longer. Remember why you love blogging, don't put pressure on yourself <3

    Emma x
    Writing Essays With Wine

  5. I say if you need a break, take it. I reduce my posting schedule over the Summer because I wanted to work on some other things, improve my blog quality and take some pressure off of myself. It really helped. And what's funny is that now I end up having more things I want to post about that actually "fit" into this new schedule. Point is, taking a step back is often very helpful. :-) xo

    Beauty Isles | An Island Girl's Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


be sweet, <3