Friday, March 27, 2015

Quick & Easy: Simple Spring Makeup

Quick & Easy: Simple Spring Makeup

My face does not always look like how it does on the days I post a #FOTD or #OOTD. My face likes to make demons, my skin gets a little red, and a lot of the time I'm wearing my glasses. My everyday routine usually includes grabbing the makeup I want to wear from my bathroom and tossing it into my makeup bag, so I can hopefully put it on at my desk at work.

Since it's Spring and the weather is hopefully warming up where you're at, I'm going to show you my Spring every day #FOTD. Messy office desk, crappy lighting, and all.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Spring 2015 WalMart BeautyBox

Spring Walmart BeautyBox

The first day of spring was last week - and the official change in season means that all the dark shades of winter get replaced with the light and colorful shades of spring! It also means that its time for a new Walmart BeautyBox!
 I was pretty excited when I opened this box because I was really happy with almost all the items that were in the last one. I also usually end up using the coupons that come in the boxes, and there were a few items I wanted to try out but was holding out on because I didn't want to pay full price.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Hello Wench in 60 seconds

Hello Wench in 60 seconds!

Alright so I got a little over ambitious and its over 60 seconds. Whoops!

So anyway, after some poking and prodding from my Fiance I finally caved and made this vlog type thing where I literally dragged you through my life and some of the things I do everyday. I'm sorry its not better quality but I just filmed it on my phone!

If you like these vlog things & would like to see more of my face and hear more of my ridiculousness let me know. You guys are awesome and thank you for giving me this opportunity to share a bit of my life with you!

Stalk me?

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Fun Questions Tag

The Fun Questions Tag

I'm doing something brand new on Friday so in preparation for Friday's post I've decided to keep today's post pretty simple. It's nothing too deep or heart wrenching just something new that my fiance has been poking and prodding me to do to step out of my comfort zone.
Either way - I was poking around the internet looking for a fun little tag to do and I stumbled upon 'The Fun Questions Tag'. Well if that practically doesn't describe what I was looking for I don't know what would. 

1. When is your birthday?
January 29th! I was born on Super Bowl Sunday. For those of you who don't know what it is: Its when us Americans watch 2 teams of very large men in lots of padding tackle each other for a ball. Yay sports! Do the thing win the points!

2. What are 3 of your favorite colors?
Plum, Maroon, and black. Does black count as a color?

3. What are your 3 favorite quotes?
"I am not afraid; I was born to do this." - Joan of Arc

"No one is going to hand me success. I must go out and get it myself. That's why I'm here. To dominate. To conquer. Both the world, and myself." - Unknown

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” ― Marilyn Monroe

4. Are you addicted to Youtube?
Absolutely. I don't even have cable I just watch youtube and Netflix now.

5. What are 3 of your favorite shows on TV or YouTube or both?
Recently I've been addicted to Ghost Whisperer and Venture Brothers (just finished all seasons) on Netflix. I also love Scooby Doo. As for YouTube I really like to watch Grav3YardGirl, Seananners & DashieXP, and JennaMarbles. Wait, thats 4. Eh... Oh well!

6. What are 3 qualities you like in a best friend?
Uhm... For their name to be Christina, for them to be my FFB, and for them to always be there for me, judge me, and be honest to god truthful with me. (girl you best be reading this, SHOUTOUT!)

7. Do you like your name?

8. If you have the choice to pick your own name, what will it be?
Ahhaha! You always have this choice on the internet. I was called Quinn for a very long time online, and sometimes I still am. 

9. What is your fantasy dream?
I would love to be able to travel for the rest of my life and see everything I possibly can.

10. Do you wear makeup?
Oh yes - almost everyday unless I'm giving my face and skin a rest.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

I'm 25 and if I wanna build a fort I will


I mean really, who doesn't wanna eat dinner and watch 3 episodes of Ghost Whisperer on Netflix while sitting in the fort that you and your Fiance built on a whim while dinner was cooking?

No seriously - that was my Friday night. Chris and I made a delicious dinner of baked chicken breasts in some delicious spices his Mom sent home with him the last time he went home. I also made some peas and some loaded mashed potatoes. And by "I made" I mean I bought it and put it in the microwave. Same thing?

We ate our dinner the the sanctity of our fort and afterwards he was so sleepy that he almost fell asleep! Our little butt Buster was a mainstay in the fort - but he was never in any of the pictures because he ran off as soon as I would get up to take them.
Our fort was simple in design - two spare sheets from the bed and all the pillows from the couch, living room, and a couple from the bedroom! We had a very squishy and comfortable fort. We also had to pretty much rearrange our living room to be able to build this thing and hanging sheets off your ceiling fan isn't exactly the most genius idea. But it doesn't matter - it stayed up for 3 hours and was definitely worth every minute!

This may have been one of the best Fridays in a very long time - and it didn't involve much except Netflix, my pup, and my best friend. I'm happy. Happier than I ever thought I'd be.

Stalk me?

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

February Favorites and Empties

February Favorites and Empties

I'm finally feeling back to normal! Well, sort've. I've still got a nasty cough and am exhausted around 2pm everyday - but I'm gonna power through! I missed an entire week of work and spent more time laying in bed and feeling terrible than I have in a very long time.

February is a short month - but I've got a couple favorites, an empty, and a new product to tell you about!

I've been having a very nude february and I've been obsessing over nude and neutral colors on both my eyes and lips. 

My first Beauty favorite has to be another Jordana Twist & Shine Moisturizing Balm Stain in 05 Honey Love. I've raved about these lip stains before and I still own them in 3 other shades. They are easy to pop into my makeup bag or my purse and are perfect for chapped lips.

I've also been loving the Milani lipstick in shade 43 Pretty neutral paired with their Color Statement Lipliner in shade 03 Nude. Its a really pretty color and I've been wearing it to work a lot and its an easy color to match with anything. The formulation is creamy and pigmented and I think is going to be a good neutral staple for spring.

Since I've been sick for what feels like half of the month of February so simplicity in my makeup was definitely something I was going for. This NYX shadow stick in Flushed is so simple but so very pretty. I just pop it directly onto my eyelids and finish the look off with some eyeliner and that's been the look I've been working with for most of this month.
I bought a new blush at the end of January after hearing rave reviews about it. It is seriously one of the most pigmented $1 blushes I have ever bought. I absolutely love it. Its the perfect pinky shade and I only have to use a little bit. I made the mistake of putting wayyyy too much on my brush the first time and ended up looking like a marionette doll.