Monday, June 1, 2015

Sucker For Packaging Tag

Sucker for Packaging Tag

Last week my blogging bestie made a new tag all about Makeup Packaging! And even though she didn't directly tag me in her post, I got this message about 10 mins after for posted it.
Which I'm pretty sure means that she wants me to do the tag. So I am!

 Have you bought anything just for the packaging?
Absolutely! I looove how Tarte, Urban Decay, and Too Faced package their products.

What limited edition item do you own that has the prettiest packaging?
Tragically, I don't own any limited edition items. (I think) I tried like hell to pick up the Tarte Rainforest After Dark palette from last fall and EVERY TIME I went to Ulta, they didn't have it. I still feel some type of way about it.

What permanent item do you own that has the prettiest packaging?
I love the simplicity of the Urban Decay Naked Palette I own. But I have to say I love how Too Faced packages my Melted Liquid Lipsticks.

Pretty or practical?
I'm a practical and drugstore kinda gal. So while pretty is nice I'm all down for practicality. 

 Name the most practically packaged item you own.
Damn, it would have to be my elf BB cream. Its in a tube, has a pump, and the pump can be twisted off and removed if you want. Its simple and easy and I totally love it.

 Can packaging be pretty and practical?
Definitely! The UD naked Palette I own is sleek, with a bunch of shades that I actually use and while its mirror isn't large - it definitely gets the job done.

Name your all-time favourite packaging!
I loooooved the look of the Tarte Rainforest After Dark palette (can you tell I'm still hung up on it?)

 What's the most boring packaging something you own has?
Its definitely gotta be some of my elf products - although most of them are black, they aren't always sleek. Some of them are even just outright oversized and poorly made. I'll continue to use them though because the product itself is pretty good for the price.

What do you look for in packaging?
Def something sleek and chic. I don't like products with bulky packaging.

Stalk me?

1 comment:

  1. yaaaaas girl yaaaaas. elf packaging honestly kind of sucks but you can't ask for a lot when it's $3 half the time.
    and tarte has a couple of those circular palettes floating around right now, i think. go get you one!

    brooke | bracooke elise


be sweet, <3