Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Photo Editor Archive

Photo Editor Archive

At present this is a working list of photo/video editing links and apps that I have collected from both personal use and recommendations from others. Not a single app or website is sponsored in this post. This post is meant as a helpful blogging archive of photo/video editors for other bloggers.
If you have a photo/video editor you'd like to see added to this list - please contact me.
In-Browser photo editors: (all free)
PicMonkey is the main editor that I use if I'm not using Photoshop. Its fast, free, and easy to get acclimated too. The basic features are all I really need - but the Royale upgrades look nice. I specifically like that I can edit the collage layouts to look however I want.




Pixlr is an in browser GIMP.

Photo Editing apps:

Photo Grid


All links direct to the proper store for whichever device you are using.

Video Editing apps:
Video Editor

Have anything to add to the list? Contact me!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Regal Beagle Stitchery*

Regal Beagle Stitchery*

Okay so first things first: This is a small business that my BFFs Mom and sister run via etsy. They've been making me things for Christmas, my birthday, etc. for like over a year now. So I kinda already own quite a few of the bags they make - and have coincidentally included a bag that they specially made me for my birthday in a monthly favorite before. (unintentionally - I just really liked my present!)

My friends Mom has now recently retired and decided that she wants to start making bags as a little more than a hobby. I love the bag I received as a birthday present and when she asked me if I wanted to write about her little business I was more than happy to say yes! (cough and she made me a new bag thats awesome sooooooooooooo)

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Get Ready With Me: Sorority Alumni Ceremony

GRWM: Sorority Makeup

I love my sisters! I really feel like I should start off this post by saying that. Through everything good/bad/ugly we are a group of women who persevere and excel. That being said - I'm kind of sad to graduate. I'm no longer an active sister of Alpha Omega Epsilon - I'm an alum now! This past Sunday was the alum ceremony - and while I won't go into detail I have to say I seriously appreciate all the sisters that I have and the friendships I've made.
But now onto the best part: the makeup!
There was absolutely no way I was going to the event Sunday night without a full face of makeup on!

Friday, April 17, 2015



You guys are the best - no seriously. I have to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I never in a million years believed that I would have 2 followers let alone 500. You guys are giving me opportunities I'd never thought I'd have - and in the process are boosting up my self esteem.

No seriously.
THANK YOU to all 500 of you who make this little blog seem a little less little, and for making my voice heard.

You are all seriously the best, and I love you!

We'll be back to our regular programming on Tuesday!

Twitter & Bloglovin & Facebook & Instagram & Tumblr

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Buster Blogger


Hi everyone! I'm Buster and I've taken over the blog for just today. Mom doesn't actually know I'm doing this - she sure is going to be surprised! So I figured I'd tell you guys a little bit about me since you guys see me all the time.

Name: Buster
Age: 1 dog year (7 people years)
Location: Apartment
Gender: Male
Breed: Pomeranian/Chihuahua mix
Relationship Status: Its complicated
Weight: 15-20 lbs (don't judge, Grandma feeds me too much!)
Children: None... ever.
Education: Sit, Wait, Down, Let it go, Get
Occupation: Professional fetcher and cuddler, #USBloggerChat mascot
Likes: Tennis Balls, Barking, Cuddling, Fetch, Treats, Human Food, Milkbones, Swimming
Dislikes: Other dogs (except Nene), Bugs, Loud noises, Dog Food
Adoption Date: October 4, 2014

A little bit about me:
I was born sometime in January of 2014 - and less than nine months later I ended up at animal control because the lady who bought me said her grandchildren were allergic. My future was unknown - but I was young and cute so a nice lady from a rescue picked me up from animal control and brought me to her house. That kind lady finished the rest of my shots and put me up for adoption on petfinder.com. At the same time, my Mom and Dad were looking for a pup to call their own. I was not what they were looking for, I had long hair, was energetic, and young. Definitely not what Mom had in mind! But Dad was insistent on meeting me, and Mom finally caved. They met me on September 30th and by October 4th they were bringing me home to have a "test" visit for the weekend.
Me cuddling with Mom
Guess what... I never went back! Even after a tumultuous first two weeks I settled in nicely and my Mom has even learned to love me! (I know she loves me and if I ever get in trouble with Dad I know I can run to Mom cuz she'll protect me)

Anyway - thats all I have time for! Mom is waking up and I gotta put her laptop away before she sees me.

***MOM EDIT ***
This just goes to show that even if your children are little and hairy - they still love ya.
Also he forgot the social media links:

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Easter Weekend Shenanigans!

Easter Weekend Shenanigans!

This past weekend I had an absolute blast. I actually got to relax a little bit and I'm definitely yearning for the weekend as I write this.

Note: This post is going to be picture heavy so I've hidden most of it under a cut. <3

For one: I had a half way at work on Friday so we managed to be able to go out to a nice lunch at the chinese buffet down the street from us and then head on down to my Grandmas house which is where we'd be spending our whole weekend. (the chinese place has delicious little donuts that make me salivate just thinking about them)
So we packed up after lunch - hopped in the car and to Grandma's house we go!

Chris and I stopped at the dollar store on the way to Grams to pick up a few things and somehow a 4 foot inflatable alligator and a water gun got into the basket. I'm not going to name names - but I think I know who put them in here. (chris) Either way, Chris was excited to test out his new pool toys and was determined to swim ASAP. So after only being home about for about 20 minutes Chris was in his swim trunks and we were going swimming!
Friday night my Grandma, Brother, Chris, and I all dyed Easter eggs. Can you believe that Chris had never dyed eggs before?! I think he had more fun than anyone coloring them - we did neon tie-dye eggs.

Buster was soo pooped at the end of the night that he was literally the most adorable thing ever and just fell asleep in my lap cuddling my leg.

Friday, April 3, 2015

New Recipe: Classic Chicken Parmesan

New Recipe: Classic Chicken Parmesan

This is a new recipe I'm going to be trying sometime this month! My fiance has been asking for some chicken parm for quite some time, so when I ran across this recipe at my local Publix I figured I'd give it a try.

My grocery store has a ton of these recipes in little stands all over the store - and they are almost always delicious. I picked one up for Jalapeno turkey burgers and that recipe has practically become a staple in my house. We eat it at least once every two weeks! If you'd like to try it here is the link: Southwest-style Turkey Burgers (so good - I promise!)

Either way, I saw this recipe and just decided to pick it up right on the spot. Chris is excited to give it a go and I think it will be delicious! (ya know, if I can cook it correctly)

The recipe itself looks pretty easy - and I probably won't be making the honey cheese rolls. If I want to make some rolls I'll make those Red Lobster cheesy biscuits.

I found the link to this recipe online as well: Classic Chicken Parmesan & Honey Cheese Rolls.

As always - if I cook this I promise to take lots of pictures of me struggling in the kitchen and the end result. The last time I tried a recipe from Facebook it turned out really good. Maybe I'll make this New Recipe a monthly thing where I try and cook new stuff every month!

Stalk me? (via social media)