Monday, September 1, 2014

Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day Everyone!

Over here in the states Labor Day is a national holiday where no mail runs and the only person who seems to have to work is my fiance! It's also the last holiday of summer and traditionally marks the end of summer. I usually spend this holiday with my Aunt and Uncle, Grandparents, and parents on the beach sunbathing and overall having a great time. This year though, my Aunt and Uncle couldn't make it and Chris has to work today! I also made plans to go work on my Engineering Design project with my group today. So Labor Day will be exactly that, Labor!


Chris forgot his lunch today when we left the house, so I took his lunch to him after finishing my project. It was fun to go see him in the middle of the day and spend some quality time at the Burger King (haha) and have a smoothie while he ate his lunchable.

After lunch with Chris I picked up my roommate and we went to Ulta and TJ Maxx. I had to pick up some powder and another milk nyx pencil. I really wanted to pick up the Tarte Rainforest After Dark Palette, but when I got there they had none left! I was so upset! They said they might have more tomorrow (because they are getting a shipment) so I'm hoping they will and I'll run over there and pick it up. I'm seriously hoping they will because I've set aside some money specifically so I can buy it!

At TJ Maxx I found this cute vase thing (for $1!) that I could use to hold my makeup brushes. After that I ended up going to Michaels (a craft store) and picking up some clear beads to fill the little vase with and to hold the brushes better. After all that I headed back to pick Chris up from work and we came home. All three of us have been getting along wonderfully and I swear I think Chris and Will are literally having some ridiculous bromance over the super nintendo currently connected to our TV.

Either way, I'm happy and content with where I'm at right now. And I doubt I could be much happier than anything.
Stalk me?

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be sweet, <3