Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentines Day 2015

Valentines Day Weekend

I was going to write a beauty and fashion post about what I did for valentines day and the lovely makeup and outfit I wore - but reality set in quickly.

Chris is supposed to be leaving on Sunday morning to go to NYC to see his family again after moving down here. Which is very exciting - but it meant we had to turn our house inside out to get him packed for winter in NYC and get a suitcase ready for him. (which he didn't do until last minute) So on Friday we packed him up for NYC, packed up a bag for myself for the weekend at my parents/grandparents, and packed the dog up with us. We had a delicious dinner that my brother cooked for us (with my Moms help) and spent the night with them. The boys (Chris and my brother) played Magic: The Gathering until past 1AM. At which point I was exhausted and made them vacate the bedroom so I could catch some much needed sleep.
Saturday started a bit more tumultuously. I woke up around 8:30 am and my Mom gave me some somber news - the outdoor kitty (aptly dubbed: "The Old Man") that adopted us 3 years ago died in his sleep sometime this morning. His headbutts were infectious though and he always meow'd at you if you tried to walk by him without saying 'Hi' and petting him. The worst part however was that he had died in the house, cuddled up where him and my Dad used to snuggle all the time on the couch. Something comforting I guess in his final moments - its nice to know he died in a house where he was warm, fed, and loved. My Dad estimated he was approx. 17-18 years old, and he spent his final years giving us all the love he could. 

The rest of the day I spent watching Sylvester Stallone movies with Chris and my family. Chris and I eventually picked up and went to my Grandparents house, and watched more movies. (Grand total of 4 movies so far) Then Chris and I went to linner with my Grandparents to Red Robin. I never put makeup on, I never brushed my hair, and I never felt like I had to try. On the day of love I feel loved - and not just by my fiance, but my family as well.

I realized today that I don't need fancy hair, a sexy dress, amazing makeup, and an expensive dinner to have a successful Valentines day. What I need is my family.

Stalk me?

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be sweet, <3