Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Sick blog

Sick blog

Ugh, I knew I was starting to feel a little off on valentines day, but "feeling a little off" has turned into a full blown cold! I feel absolutely awful - and my life chugs on whether I'm ready for it to or not!

This cold started Valentines Day, but I didn't really think anything of it because I had stayed the night at my Mom's house and my parents smoke. So feeling a little off around chain smokers really isn't something out of the norm. It wasn't really anything, just a few more sneezes than usual and a couple coughs here and there. I didn't think anything of it... until Sunday.

On Sunday Chris was slated to leave at some ungodly hour in the morning (6am) and there was set to be a blizzard at his destination. So he set these ridiculous alarms to go off at 3am, 4am, and 5am so he could check whether his flight had been cancelled for not. Good idea in theory - until the alarms wake both of you up and you have an absolutely terrible nights sleep, AND it was cold as hell outside! Either way, after dropping him off at the airport for his not cancelled flight I went back to bed - and woke up feeling worse than before.

I took some medicine and went back home, feeling better after the meds kicked in. Monday morning I felt well enough to function like a normal human being. I did my usual routine - work, school, work, come home - the meds did their job and I felt better but that night was terrible. I never sleep very well when I'm sick - and this was no exception. So when I woke up Tuesday I felt even worse - but just plugged along in my usual schedule.

Today I'm writing this from bed. I felt so absolutely terrible this morning that I didn't even make it to class. I don't understand - I'm taking medicine, I'm trying to keep as warm as possible, and I'm not being that active. I guess its just the stress of running around all the time thats kicking my butt. I mean I knew I needed a day to myself but this is not how I wanted to spend it. Figures though - my body is finally telling me I need to slow down and take a break - and I'm still chugging on through my day.

Either way - iPad and tissues are my best friend today.

Stalk me?


  1. My mums got the flu at the minute, I've spent the entire day running up and downstairs with cups of tea and medication haha :') It'll be no time before I catch it myself (my immune system is horrid)

    I hope you feel better soon! :)x

    1. Aww your such a good daughter! I just realized that today 6 of out the 9 people in my office were sick, and my Grandma has a touch of flu too! I think its something thats going around currently. D:

      I hope you stay healthy~! && Thank you!

      - Jenn

  2. I hope you feel better soon sweetie. My sinus have been acting up these past few days which is killer. It basically feels like a cold. And I've got a busy few weeks ahead of me. Oh well. Anyway, continue to get some rest. Hugs.

    Beauty Isles | An Island Girl's Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


be sweet, <3