Monday, July 28, 2014

Moving Weekend - Update!

As you guys may know, this past weekend was absolutely crazy! I spent the entire weekend moving and hauling things 45 minutes away to my new apartment. I overall got so much done this weekend it was crazy.

We ended up having a really late start on Saturday. It was monsooning outside and nothing would be packed into the car. Chris and I had a late breakfast, and then Will came over and we loaded the car full of stuff to trek it back to the apartment. We basically spent all day Saturday running to and from the apartment and packing so much stuff into the car/apartment that we were exhausted. We did however end up taking my bed apart and removing the mirror off the back of the dresser. 


We moved ALL of our large furniture on Sunday. We had a box truck and we filled it to the brim. I don't know how we managed to cram all that furniture into one truck, but we managed it. We had an obscenely large couch to move, and it was the only thing that we couldn't manage to get through the front door. We may not have gotten it through the front door, but we did manage to get it over the balcony! That option went from  "haha maybe we'll shove it up and over the balcony" to an actual viable option. So we had all the boys downstairs lifting it and getting it upright, and my Mom and I upstairs to hold it while two of them ran to assist. They got it vertical, and my Mom and I held on to that couch for dear life while two boys held it underneath, and while two more boys bolted up the stairs to pull it up over the railing. We got it in, but the only way that couch is coming out of the apartment is in pieces. All of our living room furniture is so heavy that we were so gross and sweaty afterwards.

 Our apartment is starting to actually look like somewhere that one can actually live! Quite a few trips to Target is in store and when we finally have the apartment suitably organized I'll post some pictures of the finished product.

Monday: Chris did however, have to fly back to NYC today to organize and pack the rest of his things. He moves down for good though in 2 weeks!

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  1. Hi honey,
    I nominated you for Liebster Award, Check out my post and the questions.

  2. Awesome! Keep a look out in the next week and I'll dedicate a blog post to this! (:

    xoxo Jenn


be sweet, <3