How To Successfully Guest Host a Twitter Chat
Twitter chats/parties are some of the best ways to get yourself out there - and if you've participated in a lot of them then you may finally feel like it's time to get yourself out there and guest host one of your own. Putting yourself out there is the hardest part - but when a twitter chat is actively looking for guest hosts to put on schedule it may be your time to shine!
1. Find an Interesting and Relevant Topic
Keep it relevant towards the chats regulars but don't be afraid to ask compelling questions! Stay away from controversial topics (politics, religion, etc. unless that's the kind of chat it is!) Different chats have different protocols for questions - but make sure you at least run your topic idea by the moderator/admin.
2. Announce and Promote that YOU are hosting!
You bring a new set of eyeballs into a chat - so make sure you promote that you are going to host and bring in as many new faces as you can!
3. Plan your Q's ahead of time!
My suggestion for a 1 hour twitter chat is to come up with 4-6 questions based on your topic. More populated and active chats will probably need more Q's to keep everyone engaged. If you can't come up with at least 4-6 interesting & relevant Q's though - it's time to find a new topic.
4. Schedule!
Schedule your Q's beforehand for the length of the chat. I usually schedule one Q every 10mins starting 5mins after the announced chat start time.
5. Retweet Responses you Like
A response you truly resonate with or a funny gif. It can boost the mood and will engage the participants.
6. Don't Forget the Hashtag!
In ALL your responses. Just like if you were participating in it, and not hosting it. (I'm totally guilty of forgetting to do this is some of my responses) Doing this keeps everything in the chats unique hashtag and easier to follow.
7. Use Tweetdeck (or other similar service)
Depending on how many people show up - you are more than likely going to need a service like this. Twitter chats can go fast - and these services keep all @'s & #Hastags in the same space.
8. Try to Keep Conversation Going
This can be difficult depending on how many people are in your chat - and sometimes it will run on its own. I try to engage everyone - which sometimes is not entirely possible. But I try!