Friday, July 29, 2016

Planner Sticker Organization

Planner Sticker Organization

I've reached the point of no return - it's time to try mini binders from Target to try and organize my sticker collection. (the ball is still out on how to organize my continually growing washi collection) For this project I did the only thing I could do: Drive to target and spend more $$.

Okay but forreal - I was keeping all my stickers in an expandable folio and it was just not working out. I've been building an insane sticker collection since I started planning and I needed something where I could see the kits I've recieved + keep it all contained it one space. In comes the binder:
I chose this super cute mini binder from target - it's a gorgeous coral color with these equally adorable gold metallic flamingos on it (& its $3.99). When you open it up you can see I've used the mini binder sheets (target brand) and stuffed the subscription boxes that I receive from Little Miss Paperie on the top.
I organize the mini binder sheets with two kits each sheet - each facing opposite directions so that when I flip the page I can see the first page of every kit. In the back I store all my "scrap/used" pages and put some misshaps and 'oops' kits I purchase in there too. 

So far it's worked great - although it's a tad bit stuffed. I'm gonna have to go on a no-spend in order to slim this binder down!


  1. I adore this so much!
    I love, love, love stationary and stickers and binders and EVERYTHING so much! aha!
    Great work with the organisation too! I used to store mine in a box but I'm definitely going to give this binder gig a try! <3

    1. I have a bin/box that I keep all my washi in. Its a hot mess RN - it was a good idea originally!

      xo Jenn

  2. Color is an important factor that must be taken into account when designing a custom stickers. Red and yellow are the main (typical) colors that form the base of the sticker to make it loud and flashy enough to attract attention. pinback buttons


be sweet, <3