Friday, August 21, 2015

(not) Back to School

(not) Back to School!

So just in case you guys don't know - kids went back to school this week. And I think I actually feel some type of way about finally not being able to participate in the Back to School excitement/dread (depending on which side you're on).

I feel like school and university had always been an integral part of my life, it forced me to make friends, participate with the public, and it gave me a goal to achieve. But now that I've graduated University I no longer have that, and it's an awkward feeling. I think I'm actually starting to realize that life doesn't have to revolve around school and that there are other wonderful things you can do.

I think after this first week it's made me realize how happy I am to not be in school anymore. I loved school, don't get me wrong, but the feeling of not being good enough has finally subsided and I feel more confident today than I have in a really long time. Being out of school also allows me to explore opportunities and passions that I didn't have time for previously. I've come to realize that I really like being outside and on the water, I've rekindled my love for MMORPGs, and it has also given me the chance to concentrate on my relationship. I don't think I've ever been happier than I am right now.

Would I go back for my Masters? As of right now, no. But who knows what the future holds - I'm just along for the ride.
(PS - I never fully appreciated BTS Tax free weekend until last week, and it was glorious!)


  1. I had a year out from school, then went and did a course at college for year and now I'm 50/50 about University! But for now, the break from education is lovely. Enjoyed this post xx

    1. I only every took a few summer semesters off while I was going to college, and at Uni I never took the summers off. :x I think maybe a little break wouldn't have burnt me out like it did!

      xo Jenn

  2. I just started studying for the GMAT the other week and I forgot how bad I am at detecting improper grammar. Bad grammar is easy, but GMAT/GRE word problems are a whole other beast. o.O It makes me wish I was outside on the water, with a margarita. Or three. Ok four. Haha.

    1. Now that I have the opportunity to be out on the water with a margarita (or four) I'm taking FULL advantage of it! Every day I can I'm enjoying myself!

      xo Jenn

  3. I relate with you 100% here. I feel so happy to be done with school, as much as I loved it. What MMORPGs have you been playing? I'd say a good 4 years of my young life were spent addicted to WoW, and sometimes I wonder if I'll ever find an MMO that enamored me in that way again.

    1. Right now I've been enjoying Guild Wars 2. It different than the PvP environment from other MMO's - but if you like PvP there is still that option.

      xo Jenn


be sweet, <3