Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Lush Review: Mask of Magnaminty

Lush Review: Mask of Magnaminty

The weekend I got back from vacation I did a little retail therapy. AKA It was tax-free weekend and I went SHOPPING. While I was out I had to stop at my local Lush and pick up a few things, of those few things was this Mask of Magnaminty. While on vacation I only had makeup wipes and a bar of soap to wash my face, so when I got home it was time for a serious deep cleansing.

Lets go over some key points: Smell, Texture/Feel, How well it cleansed my face, and overall.
Smell: It smelled good! I'm a sucker for peppermint - and its supposed to suck all of the gross stuff out of your pores. I know I'm not the only one who wants their face to burn a little bit while doing a mask.

Texture/Feel: It is definitely thick - and almost difficult to spread all over your face. It feels good on the skin though and gets firm in the recommended time.

Cleansing ability: To be fair, this is where I felt like it fell short. I've been having some troubles with my skin lately so thats why I splurged a bit on this bad boy because my usual routine wasn't cutting it. But once I washed it off I still felt like my skin was really oily and I don't really see any difference. I'll continue to use it and see if it takes more than once for it to make a difference. I did however like how when I washed it off it came off easily and the texture helped exfoliate my skin.

Overall: I'd give it a 6/10 - it smelled awesome, felt like the right consistency, but fell a little flat on the purpose of it. It left my skin oily (probably because of the self-preserving oils) and with the need to wash my face again. I'm going to let my fiance test it out next since his skin is different than mine.

Stalk me?


  1. I absolutely adore this mask I'm so upset it didn't do wonders for you! It literally saves my skin whenever it starts breaking out badly xx

    Catherine xx

    1. I read reviews and they were all glowing! I think maybe because I bought the self-preserving version instead of the kind you have to refrigerate? Either way, I'm still going to be using it - my fiance liked it and it helped his skin more than mine!

      xo Jenn

  2. I got this mask once and I enjoyed it but only got to use it 2-3 times because it expired within a month! I don't know if it was unlucky or if they have changed that but i haven't bought it since cause I was so sad! lol great review though I definitely agree it is a pretty thick mask & I'm a sucker for peppermint as well!

    1. Yeah it expires so fast! That's why I made my fiance use it too. I think next time I'll get something I have to refrigerate and see if that helps me more.

      xo Jenn

  3. I really like this mask, and it doesn't leave me oily at all. Do you wash your face before you use the mask?

    Vanessa│Meili Journey

    1. Yeah I washed my face with my usual face wash and then did the mask. I use the Biore Deep Pore Charcoal Cleanser which usually strips the oil from my skin nicely. I figure it because its the self-preserving formula? idk - I'll be trying it again soon!

      xo Jenn

  4. I've never tried this one! I used to purchase the Fresh Face Masks all the time when I lived in the States but sadly, with no Lush here, I rarely get to use the products anyone. So sad, hehe. Miss the bath bombs too!

    Beauty Isles | An Island Girl's Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

    1. Honestly, their bath bombs are amazing and I looove them! I want to try their shampoo bars so thats next on my list of things to try. I think I struck out on this purchase though!

      xo Jenn

  5. Ahhh it sucks that it left your skin oily, i should probably stay away from this since i have oily skin eeeks >//<
    Thanks for the review~ ^__^

    MishCheungX | UK Beauty & Fashion Blog


be sweet, <3