Friday, October 9, 2015

Current Netflix Obsessions October 2015

Current Netflix Obsessions

Quick Update from the last post: I've finished both Scooby Doo AND Ghost Whisperer (like that's a surprise!). But I've also managed to watch through 2 seasons of RuPauls Drag Race and am now completely caught up on the TV show Steven Universe. Yes, I have no life.

So this just recently popped into Netflix but I've been looooving it. I was scrolling through Netflix and saw this and remembered it on TV from like 5 years ago. I don't actually know where this one goes and how it ends (unlike Ghost Whisperer) so I'm actually enjoying being taken on a ride and not having to wait a week for new episodes. Needless to say - I'm watching an episode almost everyday.
Short & Sweet premise: It combines my favorite TV shows - Ghost Whisperer and Law & Order. Basically if Melinda (Ghost Whisperer) helped solve murders.

Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Okay so this one is a little out in left field. I've seen this anime EVERYWHERE. And it obviously is pretty good, so I jumped on the bandwagon and just haven't went back. This show is GOOD. I haven't found an anime I've liked like this one in a very long time. So for it to suck me back in, its gotta be good. I haven't watched it all yet - but trust me, it will be finished shortly. 
Short & Sweet premise: Magical girl anime with a dark twist.

Tim Burton Movies
I am a complete sucker for Tim Burton films. Every Halloween (or at least in October) I watch The Nightmare Before Christmas at least once - it's a tradition. My fiance and Grandma aren't so appreciate of the tradition though, they both groan when I start watching it. Corpse Bride is another one of my favorites and 9 is another one of his animations that I enjoy. He also directed Batman & Robin, Beetlejuice, and Alice in Wonderland. I love his creepy art style and his POV. Def my thing.
Short & Sweet Premise: It's a Tim Burton movie - expect creepy and crawly but a feel good story.

What are your current Netflix obsessions? && What should I watch next?

Stalk me:


  1. Got to love a good Netflix post, have to be honest never heard of any of these before except for Tim Burton of course, love these films!

    1. Oh you should totally watch them! Medium is a pretty long TV series (like 7 seasons) but its super good. Madoka is an anime and I literally just finished it last night and OMG SO GOOD.

      xo Jenn


be sweet, <3